Possible Bug: KML to MapInfo Tab v10.02
Global Mapper User
I've come across a possible bug.
I've just upgraded to 10.02 but am having difficulty translating KML/KMZ files to MapInfo TAB. The results produce MapInfo TAB files with no data within them.
I've tried a KML/KMZ export to shape (using the same files) and it still works and through a couple of other sense-checks i think files in question are fine.
I've also asked a colleague on 10.00 to try it and it still works ok on the same files when translating to MapInfo TAB. All of which leads me to believe there is a bug in 10.02. Anybody else come across this, or found a solution?
I've come across a possible bug.
I've just upgraded to 10.02 but am having difficulty translating KML/KMZ files to MapInfo TAB. The results produce MapInfo TAB files with no data within them.
I've tried a KML/KMZ export to shape (using the same files) and it still works and through a couple of other sense-checks i think files in question are fine.
I've also asked a colleague on 10.00 to try it and it still works ok on the same files when translating to MapInfo TAB. All of which leads me to believe there is a bug in 10.02. Anybody else come across this, or found a solution?
This was a bug in the original v10.02 release that has been fixed. I have placed a new build at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper10.zip with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v10.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Just tried it and it's sorted.
Much appreciated.
Thanks -
Thanks, I had the same problem and now its fixed!
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