Opening large JPEGs
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
There is a bug/improvement when opening large JPEGs. I see that GM decompress JPEGs and copy them to a local temp-folder. When doing this GlobalMapper should check for enough space on the drive AND try to calculate the size of the new file. If several large files are opened (for instance 10 files of 80BM each) are dragged into the GlobalMapperwindow GlobalMapper tries to open all of them - of course this is not possible but the system gets unresponsive. GM should "know" that these files are too large for the system to handle and tell this to the user BEFORE they get loaded.
I have updated the JPG import to check for enough free disk space (plus about 64MB extra so we don't go to the edge of filling the disk) before trying to create a temporary file for extracting a large JPG to. If there is not enough space you will be told and the file will attempt to load into memory.
I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v10.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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