See but NOT Select a Layer?
Roger Edrinn
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
This is the next iteration of my delete duplicate vectors thread. Only now I'm working with trails instead of roads and because the BTS trails have more information than USFS, I'd like to delete the USFS duplicates.
Before, the USFS roads were last-mile roads and their was nothing underneath. Now I have one on top of the other, either order.
I'd like the BTS layer to be visible but non-selectable, can I do this? I didn't see any "switches" in the options button.
Before, the USFS roads were last-mile roads and their was nothing underneath. Now I have one on top of the other, either order.
I'd like the BTS layer to be visible but non-selectable, can I do this? I didn't see any "switches" in the options button.
There is not currently any way to make a layer visible but not selectable.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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