Global Mapper User
The application keeps crashing on me. I get through about an hour's worth of work, and it crashes. Even when I save, things are lost. New point, area and line styles are lost. Imported icons are lost. I've been pushed back about a day now from the incessant crashing. What's the deal?
When I switch back from another program. When I'm adding an icon and switch to another program, then switch back, it will crash.
The application keeps crashing on me. I get through about an hour's worth of work, and it crashes. Even when I save, things are lost. New point, area and line styles are lost. Imported icons are lost. I've been pushed back about a day now from the incessant crashing. What's the deal?
When I switch back from another program. When I'm adding an icon and switch to another program, then switch back, it will crash.
What version of Global Mapper are you using? Are you getting any kind of error message?
I might suggest closing Global Mapper every once in a while as that is when things like custom styles are saved. However, I would not expect you to get crashes, so I'd like to track that down if possible.
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