Batch conversion/reprojection removes bands
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Using GM10
I have Quickbird imagery (WGS84) with 4 bands (R,G,B,NIR) which I want to reproject to my local coordinate system, but when I use batch convert/reproject, only 3 bands (RGB) remain in the output. Shouldn't it just do reprojection with all information/bands intact or have I slipped on one config parameter here?
I have Quickbird imagery (WGS84) with 4 bands (R,G,B,NIR) which I want to reproject to my local coordinate system, but when I use batch convert/reproject, only 3 bands (RGB) remain in the output. Shouldn't it just do reprojection with all information/bands intact or have I slipped on one config parameter here?
You aren't missing anything, Global Mapper currently only supports generating new files with 3 bands of data. Any bands that are not configured to be in the 3 display bands will not be exported.
Global Mapper Support -
Thanks for the reply. Then I'll put it on my "wish list" instead
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