Landsat7 natural color download problem - 10.00
Global Mapper User
I just upgraded to 10.00 to take advantage of the promised
improvements in speed and reliability when downloading online
The good news is that it is indeed much faster.
But, I want to download the natural color landsat7 images.
In GlobalMapper 10.00 I get the false color landsat images
even though I selected natural color.
Carl Pottle
improvements in speed and reliability when downloading online
The good news is that it is indeed much faster.
But, I want to download the natural color landsat7 images.
In GlobalMapper 10.00 I get the false color landsat images
even though I selected natural color.
Carl Pottle
That was just fixed the other day. I have placed a new build at which includes links to both the natural color and pseudo-color Landsat7 imagery (and includes the speed boost) for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v10.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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