Export ECW - missing line
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Opening several GeoTIFFS with 13334 pixels per line and number of lines: 10 000. They show correctly with no gap between the pictures. However when I export them to ECW they will get a 1 pixel height line from left to right. between each map-tile. No 1 pixel height line exists vertically between the pictures, only horizontally.
See attached picture.
However when doing the same with pictures of size 13334 ppl and 10001 lines there is no gap between them.
1. Isn`t the ERS- files supposed to stretch the image so it fits within the coordinates?
2. Isn`t the output the same as shown on screen?
Tried the same in ERMapper - and it does not give the black horizontal line with the same files.
See attached picture.
However when doing the same with pictures of size 13334 ppl and 10001 lines there is no gap between them.
1. Isn`t the ERS- files supposed to stretch the image so it fits within the coordinates?
2. Isn`t the output the same as shown on screen?
Tried the same in ERMapper - and it does not give the black horizontal line with the same files.
How exactly are you doing the conversion (i.e. through batch convert or normal conversion)? Are you reprojecting or resampling or anything like that?
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Through File - Export - ECW. No projection or any other editing
Which options are you choosing when you do the export? Are you choose the option to force square pixels? If so, that may be changing the alignment of the vertical pixels so that the center of the very bottom pixel becomes below the bottom of the data, resulting in a blank row of data. Try unchecking that box (if you are checking it to see if that helps).
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Yes, I used the force square pixels. When unchecking the file is now alright. Thanks again
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