How to render area features?
When i want to render area features in the custom vector layer, i find that my code can work well with few area features and do not work with plent of area features,why?
My code such as :
Int32 lp_LayerHandle = (Int32) mn_CustomLayerHandle;
IntPtr layerInfoPtr = GlobalMapperDLL.GM_GetLayerInfo(lp_LayerHandle);
GM_LayerInfo_t layerInfo_t = (GM_LayerInfo_t) Marshal.PtrToStructure (layerInfoPtr, typeof (GM_LayerInfo_t));
for (UInt32 k = 0; k < layerInfo_t.mNumAreas; k++)
IntPtr ptr = GlobalMapperDLL.GM_GetAreaFeature(lp_LayerHandle, k);
if (ptr.ToInt32() == 0) break;
GM_AreaFeature_t areaInfo = (GM_AreaFeature_t) Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof (GM_AreaFeature_t));
GM_AreaStyle_t lt_AreaStyle = areaInfo.mAreaStyle;
lt_AreaStyle.mBrushStyle = GM_BrushStyle_t16.GM_BRUSH_SOLID;
lt_AreaStyle.mBrushColor = (uint) Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 80).ToArgb();
//here is no error code is returned.
GlobalMapperDLL.GM_Error_t32 LastGMError=GlobalMapperDLL.GM_SetAreaFeatureDrawStyle(lp_LayerHandle, k, ref lt_AreaStyle);
When i want to render area features in the custom vector layer, i find that my code can work well with few area features and do not work with plent of area features,why?
My code such as :
Int32 lp_LayerHandle = (Int32) mn_CustomLayerHandle;
IntPtr layerInfoPtr = GlobalMapperDLL.GM_GetLayerInfo(lp_LayerHandle);
GM_LayerInfo_t layerInfo_t = (GM_LayerInfo_t) Marshal.PtrToStructure (layerInfoPtr, typeof (GM_LayerInfo_t));
for (UInt32 k = 0; k < layerInfo_t.mNumAreas; k++)
IntPtr ptr = GlobalMapperDLL.GM_GetAreaFeature(lp_LayerHandle, k);
if (ptr.ToInt32() == 0) break;
GM_AreaFeature_t areaInfo = (GM_AreaFeature_t) Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof (GM_AreaFeature_t));
GM_AreaStyle_t lt_AreaStyle = areaInfo.mAreaStyle;
lt_AreaStyle.mBrushStyle = GM_BrushStyle_t16.GM_BRUSH_SOLID;
lt_AreaStyle.mBrushColor = (uint) Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 80).ToArgb();
//here is no error code is returned.
GlobalMapperDLL.GM_Error_t32 LastGMError=GlobalMapperDLL.GM_SetAreaFeatureDrawStyle(lp_LayerHandle, k, ref lt_AreaStyle);
Everything looks ok to me. What kidn of problems are you seeing when you have lots of areas?
Global Mapper Support -
None of 24289 area features is rendered.
Do the areas render if you don't run your loop to edit the drawing style of the areas?
In fact,there are six area features are rendered and when the k>6,no area feature can be accessed.Zero is returned when the line followed is excuted:
IntPtr ptr = GlobalMapperDLL.GM_GetAreaFeature(lp_LayerHandle, k); -
It sounds like do not have a license file for the SDK. Without a license file the GM_GetAreaFeature function only returns valid information up to an area index of GM_MAX_NON_REGISTERED_VECTOR_IDX, which has a value of 5. Once you have a valid license file then you can get all of the features.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
I see,thanks a lot.
Could you send to me a temp license so that i can study it deeply?I like it very much and soon or later i belive we will pay for it.
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