Error loading ADF file larger than 2 gig
Global Mapper User
I have been processing ADF files and have successfully processed hundreds of files which are in the 1.3 gig range. However, I have a few that are about 2 gig (1.99 GB (2,147,483,238 bytes)), and when I try and load them into GM (Version 9) , I get this error.
"Unable to load grid.
ArcBinaryGridFile.cpp - 719
Build Time: Apr 30 2008 10:25:22"
I have tried to load the file into an older version of GM (Version 7), and got the same error, with a different line number.
"Unable to load grid.
ArcBinaryGridFile.cpp - 367"
I got these data from the USGS. They are 1/3 arc second NEDs.
Any ideas?
"Unable to load grid.
ArcBinaryGridFile.cpp - 719
Build Time: Apr 30 2008 10:25:22"
I have tried to load the file into an older version of GM (Version 7), and got the same error, with a different line number.
"Unable to load grid.
ArcBinaryGridFile.cpp - 367"
I got these data from the USGS. They are 1/3 arc second NEDs.
Any ideas?
Is it possible for you to point me at where I can download one of these files so that I can give it a try? You can upload the data set to using a username of 'upload' and a password of 'upload' if the file isn't already somewhere that is easily downloadable.
Global Mapper Support -
ftp'd the w001001.adf (the 2 gig file which dies) to the ftp server
i am now uploading the 1.3 gig file (which works great) -
I'll take a look and let you know if I can fix it.
Global Mapper Support -
Can you also provide the other .adf files accompanying the 2GB .adf file that you placed on our server? I need those to load it. Those are probably just small enough to zip up and email to
Global Mapper Support -
Even without your sample files I have made a potential fix for this issue. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v10.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Mike, I have attached the accompanying files for the 2 gig file ( and because i am an idiot, i don't know which of the 'good' files i sent you, so i cannot send it's accompanying files. I have started to upload another 1.3 gig working file and all it's accompanying files.
I tried the potential fix @, and it gave me this error when trying to load the 2 gig file.
"Unable to load grid.
ArcBinaryGridFile.cpp - 730
Build Time: Sep 1 2008 21:53:59"
thanks for your time. -
Thanks for the files. I'm seeing several problems with the file when I try and load it. First off, the dblbnd.adf file contains crazy coordinate values that are the same for X and Y, which makes me think they are incorrect. In addition several of the file headers were missing file size values. This makes me think that something is wrong with the data set itself.
In any case, I was able to update Global Mapper to work around these problems though and get the file loaded. I have placed a new build at with the change for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v10.xx installation folder to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Sweet. I can load it now. I just bought Version 9 about a week before Version 10 came out, so I'll be upgrading to V 10 so that I can export those files to GMG.
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