Vector labels in DXF
Global Mapper User
I have roughly a 1000 point labels in a dxf file that i am trying to adjust the label font. I am able to adjust each manually via the "Feature Info Tool". However, when i try to update via the "Point Styles" tab in the configuration dialogue box it doesnt update.
I am able to update the symbology of the "Point Type" and have tried many different "Point Types" even creating a "New Type"
After importing the data file i have even tried updating the "Vector options" so that the "Unknown Point Feature" for that overlay is not just "Unknown Point Feature"
Am i missing something? Please help as updating a 1000+ lables manually would be quite frustrating.
Please find attached zip containg the dxf.
PS my goal is to adjust the "fixed height" of the label from 3 meters to 30 meters.
I am able to update the symbology of the "Point Type" and have tried many different "Point Types" even creating a "New Type"
After importing the data file i have even tried updating the "Vector options" so that the "Unknown Point Feature" for that overlay is not just "Unknown Point Feature"
Am i missing something? Please help as updating a 1000+ lables manually would be quite frustrating.
Please find attached zip containg the dxf.
PS my goal is to adjust the "fixed height" of the label from 3 meters to 30 meters.
The problem is that the DXF file has at least some style information specified for the point features, so each point feature is marked as having a custom style and does not use the default style for the selected type. What you need to do is select all of the point features, edit them, then select the type that you want them styled after AND change the selection to use the default style for the selected type rather than the custom style.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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