Global Mapper v26.0

3d buildings in 3d view from shape files

mcerk Global Mapper User
edited November 2007 in Vector Data

Is it possible, to display 3D buildings in 3D view? I have elevation data and raster ortophoto overlay. Now I want to add buildings from ESRI shape file (poligons). Height of building is presented as an attribute.

How can I do that?




  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited November 2007

    Currently 3D vector data is only displayed draped on top of loaded terrain data in the 3D view. I would suggest exporting your 3D building data to a KML file for viewing in Google Earth in 3D. Use the File->Export Vector->Export KML/KMZ menu command to do this.

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Global Mapper Support
  • xsherlock
    xsherlock Global Mapper User
    edited November 2007
    This would be a great feature. Especialy to be able to do line of sight analysys with with the building extruded from SHP file.
  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited November 2007
    You can actually created an extruded 3D surface from 3D polygons. To do this, open your SHP file, then select the Digitizer Tool, select all of your 3D building polygons, then right click and select the option to create/flatten terrain from the selected areas. You can then generate an elevation grid from the selected area features.

    Note that in the v9.00 release there was a problem specifying a custom grid spacing for this option. I have placed a new build at with this fixed for you to try. Simply download that file and extract the contents into your existing v9.xx installation folder to give it a try.

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Global Mapper Support