Possible Contour Bug ??
Roger Edrinn
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I'm 90% sure this is a bug, not 100%.
I set one core of my laptop to making contours. One-half deg package files on a side, covering an extent of 1 x 3 degrees, or 2 x 6 package files.
After 20-30 min per package file all I end up with is a 889 byte file that GM says theirs no data in the file. I think I know why.
Previously, I'd been playing with the Config dialog > Vector Display tab and most of the line types are turned off, including contours. It's my belief that GM spends a great deal of time building contours but saves nothing based on this line on/off switch.
I'm running GM 9.03, April 29
I just set my desktop building contours using the same DEMs and within a few minutes I had 3MB package files, which opened in GM and amazingly enough looked like contours. Same build of GM.
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!
I set one core of my laptop to making contours. One-half deg package files on a side, covering an extent of 1 x 3 degrees, or 2 x 6 package files.
After 20-30 min per package file all I end up with is a 889 byte file that GM says theirs no data in the file. I think I know why.
Previously, I'd been playing with the Config dialog > Vector Display tab and most of the line types are turned off, including contours. It's my belief that GM spends a great deal of time building contours but saves nothing based on this line on/off switch.
I'm running GM 9.03, April 29
I just set my desktop building contours using the same DEMs and within a few minutes I had 3MB package files, which opened in GM and amazingly enough looked like contours. Same build of GM.
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!
That sounds like what I would expect to happen. I suppose I could throw in a check for the contour line types being filtered out for display before allowing contour generation to a file, or I could just enable them all prior to export.
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