Image rectification
Global Mapper User
I am not sure if this is a bug or a fault with my installation I have been up to recently using Version 8.03 and have changed to version 9.03. When I rectified a fairly distorted scan of a paper map I noticed that the results were not as good as usual . I usually use 9 GCP on the map and leave the rectification method as automatic. I however noticed that the GCP were moving which as I understand it should not happen with 9 points as the automatic method should select the triangulation method of rectification. When I tried to manually select the triangulation method of rectification I got the message " can not load TriangulationLib.dll " what am I doing wrong ?
It sounds like for some reason the TriangulationLib.dll file was not installed properly. Without that, the triangulated rectification method would not be usable and the polynomial method would be used instead.
Can you try downloading the manual installation of Global Mapper v9.03 from and extract the contents of that to your Global Mapper install folder (likely 'C:\Program Files\GlobalMapper9') and see if it works better then?
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
I tried the manual install as you suggested with no success. When the rectification method is left on automatic it defaults to the polynomial method even if there are 5 or more GCP,s and no warning is given of a problem. When the Triangulation method is selected when the 5th point is put in you get a warning that the program cannot load " TriangulationLib.dll " I have attached a number of screen shots of the problem and the test file and work space file used. -
The problem is definitely that the TriangulationLib.dll file cannot be loaded on your system. I have one more thing for you to try. You can download the file and extract the contents of that file (which includes a couple of extra DLLs) to your Global Mapper installation folder. Then see if things work better.
If not, can you let me know what version of Windows you are using?
Global Mapper Support -
That worked and cured the problem. I notice that MSVCP71.dll was not installed by the installer package for 9.03 and was not in the manual download. Is that what the problem was? Thanks again for the prompt solutions -
That must have been the problem. I'll have to look into why those aren't being installed. What version of Windows do you have?
Global Mapper Support -
I am using Win XP Pro SP3. I am not sure if I should start a new thread for this but the Global_mapper9.exe file you created to fix the date problem I had with 31st May in GPX files will not recognize the projection and Datum Irish Grid in tiff files neither will it write this to Tiff files. The standard exe file will -
Sorry, I forgot that the TIFF projection decoding was switched to a file-based approach. You will need to save the attached file in your Global Mapper install folder.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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