What wrong with 31st May?
Global Mapper User
When loading some GPX files recently I could not get the time stamp to appear when using " Feature Information / Vertex list and on saving all the time stamps were lost. After some investigation I think that the date 31st May is the problem. I have attached 3 short files. Test file-01 loads and works Ok, file-02 which has 31st May in one record will not display the time stamp and when saved ( file-03 ) all time stamp information is missing.
I took a look and discovered that any timestamp on the 31st of a month was being treated as invalid. I have placed a new build of Global Mapper 9 with this fixed at http://www.globalmapper.com/global_mapper9.zip . Simply download that file and extract the contents over your existing v9.xx installation to give it a try.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support
support@globalmapper.com -
Thanks for the quick solution. I notice however that a date of the 31st of April an invalid date is displayed as 1st May not a problem for me and I haver not checked the other relevant months but be aware.
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