Generating VE Tiles crashes on 2nd attempt
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
Not sure if this has been reported or not. I just purchased the Global Mapper 9 version. If I have an elevation model, and I generate VE tiles. Then decide I want to go back and generate at a deeper zoom level, when I go back to generate again, the program crashes.
This is a huge inconvenience because I have to reload my data again, which takes a very long time.
This is a huge inconvenience because I have to reload my data again, which takes a very long time.
What kind of error message do you get when Global Mapper crashes the second time you try to generate the tiles?
Global Mapper Support -
I dont get a detailed error. This is what pops up when I try to regenerate VE tiles.
I tell it to debug (curious if this was a debug build) , which spawns visual studio and says:
Debug wouldn't do you any good as it is not a debug build of Global Mapper. When exactly does the error occur (i.e. when you select the menu item, when you press OK on the dialog, etc.)? Does it occur anytime that you try multiple VE exports from a single Global Mapper session?
Global Mapper Support -
The program crashes after I enter a filename (for the demo web page) and press ok. It appears that global mapper attempts to start generating tiles, but never does so and crashes.
Here is the scenario to recreate the problem.
1.)open global mapper
2.)load in an xyz ascii file.
3.) generate Virtual Earth tiles.
after the tile generation completes.
4.) attempt to generate Virtual Earth tiles again (on the same model, or you can load in a different one) -
I will try and recreate this problem and fix it. Hold off on downloading the new build I sent you before as I just found a typo in it and then accidentally hit the 'Rebuilt All' button instead of just building the change, which means it will take half an hour or so before a new build is ready.
Global Mapper Support -
Ok the new build can be downloaded again from to get the .png vs .jpg fix. I'll let you know as soon as I can replicate and fix the other problem.
Global Mapper Support -
Ok, problem replicated and solved with multiple Virtual Earth exports. The new build at should fix this problem.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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