Error updating the ECWP protocol
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I receive this error:
"...your settings have been updated to support the ECWP protocol..."
I tried to download the the update form this link in the manual:
But the link is dead.
"...your settings have been updated to support the ECWP protocol..."
I tried to download the the update form this link in the manual:
But the link is dead.
Does the ECWP file load after you get that message? I can't seem to find that plugin on the official ERMapper site anymore, but I did find it at
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
That error just means that the ECW file at the referenced location did not define the projection to use (i.e. it used a projection name of 'LOCAL', which could be anything). You can either just use the default projection, which will likely not place the data at the correct location but will make it viewable on its own, or you can contact the site hosting the data to determine the projection to use.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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