GPS serial port connection values
What values are expected for aport and abaud? aport = 1? abaud = 9600?
or are other values epected. I am getting an parameter invalid error message for the above values and am trying to determine weather it is these values or the other parameters which are invalid.
What values are expected for aport and abaud? aport = 1? abaud = 9600?
or are other values epected. I am getting an parameter invalid error message for the above values and am trying to determine weather it is these values or the other parameters which are invalid.
You should only get the invalid parameter error code if you pass 0 for either the port or baud values and do not specify the GM_GPS_FORMAT_AUTODETECT format option. The port number should be the number of the COM port (like 1) and the baud will typically be either 4800 (most common for NMEA connections) or 9600 (used for Garmin connections).
If you don't know this information, you might just pass in GM_GPS_FORMAT_AUTODETECT for the format and let the SDK try and automatically determine the appropriate port and baud rate for a connected GPS device. The auto-detect option will also detect any Garmin USB GPS devices as well.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
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