Layer Order Doesn't Automatically Refresh in MLE
Hi BMG'ers.
I'm running standard GM 25.1. I've noticed this bug before (but like many things in the MLE) I've learned to put up with it! Today its driving me nuts, hence this post...
I've noticed that when you change the layer order in the Workspace View to better display e.g. place vector lines "on top" of a shaded area for example, it doesn't refresh when you switch back to the MLE. To get it to refresh you have to go into the "Map Element Control Center/Map View Elements/Layers" and turn the affected layer off, select Ok and then go back into the Layers menu and turn it back on. Frustrating!
I've noticed this over the last few GM versions and in the dozens of workspaces I've created in that time, so I'm sure you will be able to re-create the bug no problem.
I really love GM and have encouraged many of my clients to start using it, but its little things like this (and many others I could list in the MLE!) that stop GM from being a truly spectacular piece of software...
Fingers crossed you can fix it!
Sorry I'm running standard GM 26.0, my bad...
I was able to reproduce your issue and get it fixed. The next 26.1 beta will have this fix.
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