Global Mapper Pro 26.1 Beta is now open - Updated 2/6/25
Hello Forum Users!
The second update for Beta has been posted, please download and install the new build:
Download Global Mapper Pro Beta
We are looking for SLPK data to test with! Please email if you use this data type.
Global Mapper and Global Mapper Pro v26.1 Beta is now open!
Access to the updated beta release begins today. The beta license is valid until February 19th, 2025. Please use this time to thoroughly test the software, with a specific focus on the newly added functionality. You can contact the Blue Marble testing team by email at with questions, concerns, or if you need more information.
Follow the link below to download a copy of Global Mapper and Global Mapper Pro v.26.1 with the beta license:
Download Global Mapper Pro Beta
This version includes many new and improved capabilities, most of which were added based on ongoing requests and suggestions from users. Below is a list of the new features implemented in Global Mapper v26.1. Please read the list carefully, as some of the items include special instructions and requests.
Release Notes for Global Mapper Pro 26.1 Beta:
New Features and Improvements:
- Format support updates
- Added support for Cloud Optimized Point Clouds (COPC) Format
- Added read support Esri SLPK data format
- New Scripting Toolbar
- A Scripting toolbar has been added to provide easy access to the Script Builder, Script Editor and new Favorite Scripts functionality
- Text File Import Improvements
- Import Type and Delimiter radio buttons have been changed to dropdown lists
- Support for custom text file delimiter on import has been added
- Ability to save and use text file options when importing data has been added
- Improved importing with X,Y,Z column for Generic ASCII Text file Import for easier users experience
- Generally Improved Text File Import Interface
- 3D Improvements
- Feature Info Tool in 3D Viewer now works with raster/terrain data
- Added the ability to save 3D camera position coordinates and pitch as numbers
- New Favorite Script Manager
- Accessed from the Scripting toolbar or Tools menu
- A sequence of tools (Macro) written as a Global Mapper or Python Script can be saved in the Favorite Scripts menu and executed at any time from the Scripting Toolbar
- Moved Digitizer toolbar tools to dockable toolset to simplify toolbar view
- A new Digitizer Toolset containing all the tools from the now deprecated Digitizer Create, Edit, and Advanced toolbars can now be opened from the Tools toolbar
- Lidar Manual Classification toolset with new cumulative Lidar Classification edit mode
- Opened from the Lidar Toolbar > Classification menu all manual classification buttons are now contained in a dockable Manual Classification toolset
- The new toolset supports a lidar edit mode where the selected class will be applied to any points selected while in the editing mode
- Point cloud reports
- Save a summary report of automatic point cloud processing results
- Insight and Learning Engine updates
- Vehicle Detection fine tuning and training provides users the ability to use their own truth data to tailor models to their needs
- Dedicated configuration dialog for user control over models, including download, sharing, and updating models
- Improved handling of cancelled training data so users can easily use the same experiment name again
- Updates to P2P Color Harmonization
- Users can now select the methods used for harmonization
- Zip Library Updated for improved performance
- Online Sources interface Improvements including the ability to set Favorite sources for quick access
- Option to “Create Non-Overlapping Lines” with the parallel line feature tool
- Map Element Control Center is now dockable
Reporting an Error
If you encounter any errors, please contact and include the following information:
- Description of the error/undesirable behavior
- Workflow to reproduce the error
- Data used (or sample/dummy data in the case of any proprietary datasets)
- Report error messages with as much available text as can be copied, or a screenshot.
- Expected behavior
Including as much of this information as possible will ensure that we can get a detailed report to our development team and resolve your issue promptly. Updated builds will be released throughout the beta testing period, so if you encounter a problem that stops your testing, we’ll try to get a fix out as soon as possible.
Your participation is greatly appreciated. Thank you for continuing to help improve Global Mapper.
The Blue Marble Beta Team
I spent about 5 hours working with the beta release today. I haven't gotten too deep into the new features yet, but here's some feedback/observations:
SLPK - Looking forward to using .SLPK files in Global Mapper!
I've tried loading in 2x (both output from DJI Terra) and received an error message on both. I sent an email with 1 of the files for testing. I'll try an output .SLPK from Pix4d Matic in a couple of days.
Digitizer menu - I'm not a fan of the new window, but I'm sure a lot of people appreciate this flexibility. I was hoping I could drag the new window onto the toolbar and get the old display back, but it looks like that's not possible. I assume I need to re-add each digitizer icon and then save my settings to get the old look back for those?
Terrain Painting - Previous versions -never- worked for me. Any time I tried to use the tool, the DEM would disappear. I randomly tried it in this beta release and it's working as expected.
Online sources - Search function needs a little TLC, I think. As an example:
If I try to search for "Franklin", it seems like the list filters to the first hit, instead of showing ALL hits?
Also, I used to be able to press "enter" to automatically load the selected source at the current view extents. It seems like "enter" is the equivalent of cancel now, though?
Hi Derek!
Thank you for reviewing the Beta! Happy to hear your comments. I've forwarded your feedback to the team at They don't monitor the forum, so that's the best way to get this information to them.
Also, the depreciated Digitizer and Manual classification toolbars can be enabled from the View >Toolbars menu, they've just been turned off by default now that they're redundant.
Happy mapping
Thanks Amanda! Glad to have the digitizer menu back that I'm used to.
As to the other feedback, I've been talking to the beta team on it.
Just for anyone else that reads this - .SLPK file format only supports point clouds at this time, not 3d models.
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