How do we adjust the Atlas shader so that the scale adjust to visible data only?
Working with different DTM surface, I would like to adjust the Atlas shader scale colours to the data visible on the screen (example below), and not to the entire range of elevation included in the DTM dataset.
You can enable this behavior with the 'Color Elevations Based on Visible Elevation Values' on the Vertical Options tab of the Configuration dialog.
Global Mapper Guru
Hi Mike,
yes I got that ticked off. but for reason I don not see the lower range of colours on screen (i.e., blue ~283 to 300m).
Instead, those low level elevations are at way outside my current map view, needing to zoom out to full view mode to see them.
Is your view rotated? The min/max elevation range will be determined from a bounding box orthogonal to each layer's native projection, so a rotated view would end up with larger bounds than you see on screen.
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