How to prevent Globalmapper from including MultiGeometry tags when exporting to kml/kmz?

Hello everyone, maybe someone here knows how to turn this feature off

Whenever you run the export Layer -> KML command it always exports <MultiGeometry> </MultiGeometry> tags with the kml. This is a problem because when loading that file in Google Earth the Measurement tab that shows line length is not available. This tag is included in the kml when exporting regardless of whether or not the features in contain MultiPart features - it's always included, even when all the features are Single Part only.

How can I prevent this from happening?

Opening the tags on a text editor and removing the tags from the kml fixes it perfectly, so its literally as simple as not including the multigeometry tags on the exported kml file

Is there any way to do this that im not aware of? I cant find any setting to turn this off.

Any help would be appreciated.