Extaction the ground Elevation
Hi There,
I have conducted a drone survey and obtained photogrametry result in the Tiff format and the data containned some DSM data with some area covered with densed vegetation. I want to extraction the ground elevation only, can I do that with Global Mapper Pro?
Please show me the workflow
As a surveyor, this is something I do regularly but not with GM. The only thing I can suggest is cropping the DSM with polygons representing the vegetation areas. But that would still leave buildings and all other features that are above the ground. If you have the point cloud data, it would be better to create a new surface by first filtering the point cloud by lowest on a 10 metre grid.
Yes this can be done with GM. I do it all the time, mostly with LiDAR. You will naturally have some errant points with photogrammetry but if you have some good ground shots on bare earth in the photogrammtry, you can use those. You need to grid the data into whatever resolution is appropriate and create an elevation model. You might need to spend some time classifying what is ground first - actually this would need to be done before anything else.
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