custom shader for non-elevation data
hello, I performed an analysis of two different terrain layers (combine compare terrain layers) but I can not create
a new custom shader for cut/fills becuase it only applies to elevations (not cut/fill values). Any help how I can do this? I want start red at -6.0' and blue at 12.0'
Hi @fitz
Once you create your comparison cut/fill elevation grid then create a custom shader and apply it to that grid as shown below (Note: I have made my own example as you didn't provide your cut/fill elevation grid).
Step 1 - Example - I have an open pit on the LHS about 75 m deep and a waste rock dump on the RHS about 45 m high as shown below:
Step 2 - I have compared to original ground surface (i.e. combine minimum to include pit and then combine maximum to include the waste rock dump) to get "cut/fill" surface as shown below:
Step 3 - Now create custom shader to suit your own criteria. In this example I'm making fills greater than 25 m red and cuts greater than 25 m blue and everything in between (-24.99999 m to 24.99999 m) white as below (you can obviously make it whatever colour and elevation range that you like):
Step 4 - Apply your custom shader to your combined cut/fill surface as shown below:
I hope I understood your question and that this helps you!
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