Wrong coordinate formatting
Hi, since v26 I face a coordinate format issue which I cannot solve. As you can see in the attached screenshot map.jpg, the grid line coordinates have modified A's in the middle.
This is not a matter of grid line format. The problem stays when I add the coordinates to attributes of vector layer elements, as you can see in the attributes table screenshot.
Exporting these coordinates to csv or to the clipboard results even more A's, for instance (this point corresponds to the first line in the attribute table file):
113° 53' 45.6000" W 64° 53' 31.2000" N
I thought that for some reason this might due to the default font which I put everywhere: Trebuchet MS. I unsuccessfully changed Trebuchet MS to Arial or Calibri, both in individual settings and in the regedit default font settings. I do not see what else can be changed... so ti is perhaps a bug;, who knows. Anyhow, a solution would be helpful!
Thanks for your help. Cheers
HI Daniel,
This was a bug in the initial 26.0 release that has since been fixed. I think this was fixed in the 26.0.1 hotfix, but you can also just get the latest 26.0.2 daily build from https://www.bluemarblegeo.com/products/global-mapper-daily-builds.php to get the fixed version.
Global Mapper Guru
Yes it works! Thanks
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