Global Mapper v26.0

Blurred Sections/Path Profiles

Hi GM'ers.

When I create a DTM (Elevation Grid in GM speak) from dxf string lines I get a nice clean, crisp surface, but when I section it (Path Profile in GM speak) its rubbish!

I've shown a screengrab of an example waste rock dump below (refer to Full Section). The plan shows nice crisp, regular 24.5 m wide benches every 10 m vertically with a 35 degree outer slope. However when I section it, it blurs out the benches as shown in the profile below.

When I take "half sections" as shown in two screengrabs further down, its a bit better, but still not crisp/sharp at the crest and toe lines. Its strange that cutting a half section would improve the quality???

I've added a screengrab at the bottom that shows the settings I used when creating the elevation grid.

Has anyone else noticed this and do you have a workaround?



Full Section:

Half Section South:

Half Section North:


  • bmg_mike
    bmg_mike Global Mapper Guru Moderator, Trusted User

    I believe this is related to how many samples are used along the path. This is why shorter paths look better.

    If you use the Path Setup->Specify Sample Count / Spacing Distance option on the profile menu, you can specify the sample count or spacing to use so you can see more detail.



    Global Mapper Guru

  • Thanks Mike, you're a champion!

    I didn't realise that I could improve the sampling along the profile line once it had already been cut.

    Much appreciated!

