Strange character in coordinates generated for point features
I am using V26.0 Pro
When creating coordinates for point features, I get this strange character as part of both Lat and Lon coordinates:
How do I get rid of the  character?
Best Answers
Hi Hennie,
I have fixed this issue, so tomorrow's 26.0.x daily build should work regardless of settings.
Global Mapper Guru
Thanks Mike! Fast reaction, as always!!
Hi Hennie,
Can you try getting the latest daily build from and see if that fixes the display issue? We have made a couple of fixes to the Feature Info dialog display that depend on the code page of your system, as GM 26.0 now natively uses UTF-8 for display.
Global Mapper Guru
Hi Mike,
Updating to the latest daily build was the first thing this sly old fox did! I also suspected the code page issue and made sure that my system also uses UTF-8. Unfortunately it does not work yet.
I will try to dowload a new new build in a weeks time to see if issue is fixed.
Kind regards,
Hi Mike,
I changed my system locale from English (South Africa) to English (UK). VOILA!! It works perfectly now.
Hi Hennie,
Actually I have been able to reproduce the issue on my machine if the layer code page is something other than UTF-8 (for English GM). I will fix it so it shouldn't matter what your system language settings are.
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