Handling images captured in Global Mapper mobile pro
Using GM mobile I capture some images, but at 12mp. After bringing this into GM 25 and exporting as a KML for Google Earth, the images are way too large. Of course this is exported as vector data (kml), how do I scale the size. I’ve tried both on the Google Earth Pro side and Global mapper. Not to mention Googled the heck out of an answer but all I get is stuff on pixels to points lol!
I don't have a problem resizing, that is if I could find the images lol! On my Android device I selected to save images from the picture points to my photos. Oddly they're not there. But they show up when selecting the point with my digitizer. Once the project is uploaded to Global Mapper desktop (v25), the images are loaded from the mobile package (gmmp) to the App data folder as temporary images. If you try to resize these, nothing happens. I wish I had a better understanding of where the images are actually located. You would think being loaded into a temporary system folder, those would be what the kml export would use. But it seems when exporting the picture points as a kml, Global Mapper is referencing the gmmp package.
We need to make the job more difficult. First, export to JPG/PNG/.. Then resizing, then export to KML.
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