Vector Export as GML
I saw this question was asked about 10 years ago and it was commented as it being on the to-do list. I'm just querying if it's been implemented as I don't see any option in V20.
Kind regards
It looks like we've never gotten around to this, partly because there are so many flavors of GML (CityGML, etc.) that a single exporter wouldn't handle everything. There are a number of user requests though, so perhaps we can finally task someone to add one or more flavors of GML export.
Is there a particular flavor of GML that you are after?
Global Mapper Guru
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the reply.
Ah I can see the conundrum.
This is the format which Ordnance Survey Master mapping uses:
I've added your request to our internal todo item for GML export (GM-896). It does look like CityGML is the most heavily requested flavor, so that would likely be what we would add first.
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