Curve radii
After inputting lines that will be routes onto the drawing pane and then editing in the Vertex Editor, would it be possible to have the option of adding the curve radii to the IP's in the Vertex Editor and compute the whole route of lines and curves in one go.
Each IP would have to have the option of different radius as they often change along the route, depending on the minimum bend radii (MBR). Perhaps one dialogue for fill all MBR and another for editing an MBR at the selected IP.
Hopeful regards
HI @RGBrown
Please see this thread:
Nothing back from, GM folks so far.
100% agree with your comments regarding focus on Lidar/Pro version while leaving some pretty basic requests for COGO unanswered.
I have been routing pipelines in GM for almost 20 years now and I remember asking about that capability from that get go.
For now I draw a circle and trace it to create the desirable lay radius....
Yianni, thats a lot of dedication. Really in a GIS you shouldn't have to draw a circle and trace it to create the desired radii of a bend.
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