Ability to add multiple Map View Elements to Map Layout Editor?
Hi Blue Marblers,
The MLE is getting better with each new version of GM and the ability to select and remember layers per Map Layer Editor is a huge step forward in improving its usefulness!
One suggestion that I'd like to make is could you please consider adding multiple Map View Elements to the MLE? That way you could produce a single figure with fixed background or topo etc. and then display, say four or more, different sets of different vector info in different "windows" on THE SAME FIGURE.
I do a lot of hydraulic modelling and import the results (vectors and rasters) into GM for display purposes and it would be great to be able to display multiple variables e.g. flow depth, velocity, water surface elevation, flood extents in four "windows" on the same figure rather than having to create a new figure for each variable. When you are modelling multiple scenarios e.g. existing and proposed conditions for 5, 10, 50, 100, 1,000 year events etc. the number of figures really starts to add up.
My current workaround in GM is to create images of what I want to display and then import them into a single figure in the MLE. Alternatively I import the images into multiple "Viewports" on a single drawing sheet in paper space in AutoCAD.
Anyhow, would be really helpful... Not sure if there are others out there who need this feature?
P.S. On the same tack the ability to display a profile in the MLE would also be a huge step forward as its often necessary to display both "Plan and Profile" info on the same figure (again my current workaround is to take a screen grab of the profile and then import is as an image into the MLE).
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