GeoTalks 2025 User Conference

Removing or changing yellow profile line from 3D cutaway view

Hello all. Does anyone know how to get rid of the yellow profile line from a 3D cutaway view? Or at least clamp it to the ground or change colour? I though unchecking 'display 3D Vector features' might work or 'clamping to ground' but nether made a difference.

Best Answer

  • sphillips
    Answer ✓

    You can edit the Line Style for the Path Profile as below, but I doubt it will help much. If you set the Line Width to 0 you get a very thin black line. I too cannot get the line to drape on the surface.

    1. Configure (Spanner)
    2. Styles
    3. Line Styles
    4. Measurement

    Note that this will affect the Path Profile line style in all views including the map, Path Profile and 3D Cutaway.


  • Ah that's where it's hidden. Thank you! Would be ideal to get rid of it altogether but at least can change from 'obnoxious yellow'. Interestingly if you set line type to null is disappears from 2D but not 3D