How to add and move points in a Lidar?


We are working with a Lidar and would like to find out if there is a possibility to edit the points on it (add points and move points) to then get a modified dtm to work with.

 Thank you and best regards



  • You can create point features, export them to an LAS/LAZ and then merge with your lidar if you want. You can also delete existing lidar points. Honestly, I've never tried "moving" a lidar point so I'm not sure if that's possible without converting it to a standard point layer first.

    I assume you're talking about breaklining? Yes, you can generate breaklines and then create a vector DTM surface that combines the lidar points and breaklines into a single surface. After creating your breaklines, you can find the settings to create a new vector surface in the "create elevation grid" menu.