Making bread crumb trail from a drone video
I use the DJI Mavic 3 standard and the DJI Phantom 4 pro V2 drones. I would like to make a video and the flight path show up in global mapper pro as a bread crumb trail. If the output is a CSV file that would be useful.
If Global Mapper Pro can't do that, I would like to have a program that can extract a flight path from a video but not be a online or cloud service. Thanks in advance!
Thank you so much!! This is a awesome tool!
Nice (though thank Brian Davis) - sorry was in a rush so just pasted and ran - and the screen snip didn't work. But that should generate a trail from video if it saved an SRT
DJI Telemetry advertises that it will work with the Mavic 3. I'll do some tests
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