How to set Path Profile to show location where vector linework crosses path?
Before I retired, I worked with Global Mapper 17. With it, the path profile not only indicaes each bend in the path as a large yellow dot, but also the location where lines and the boundary of area polygons intersects the path profile's path as a dot with a vertical line through it as the attached path profile shows.
For personal projects, I now have Global Mapper 22. Using it, the path profile shows each bend in the path as a large yellow dot. However, the path profile does not show its intersection of its path with vector lines and boundaries of area polygons as a dot with a vertical line. I cannot remember how to set the path profiles so it shows these intersections as shown in the attached path profiles.
Can someone remind me how to do it?
Best Answers
Hello @Inselberg
In the "Path Profile/Line of Sight" window as shown in image you attached:
- Click on Path Setup > Path Profile Settings
- Tick the option "Draw Line/Area Features that Cross Path", then "OK".
- You can toggle other settings to see the effects on your profile display.
Thank you for you help. It is well appreciated.
The verticle lines are not mine workings, but where vector lifework crosses the papth of the path profile/
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