How to turn off "Tips" permanently?
Is there a way to turn off "Tips" permanently within GM25.1? I've looked under the Configurations menu but can't find any way to do this.
Every new GM session I've started getting the pop-up tips box when I use just about every command and its becoming annoying.
Perhaps if there isn't a way to turn these off globally it could be added next time around please?
If you check the 'Don't Show Again' option on the bottom of the tip, that particular tip should not show again, even in future sessions.
You can also run 'regedit' and update the value of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GlobalMapper\TipFlags and TipFlags_1 to be set as follows:
This will treat all tips as 'don't show again' so none will show.
Global Mapper Guru
Thanks Mike.
I had been checking the 'Don't Show Again' but with no luck.
I have now modified the TipFlags values as you suggested above and seems to be fine now. I couldn't find TipFlags_1 in my registry though, but not sure if that matters?
If TipFlags_1 doesn't exist that just means that you haven't shown any tips beyond the first 32 in our code. You can create a new DWORD value with that name if you want, or just not worry about it.
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