Can you turn snapping on/off mid vector creation?
G'day GM'ers,
Is there a way to disable/enable snapping while creating a vector? For instance sometimes its helpful to start and finish creation of a line by snapping to existing points but you don't necessarily want to snap while creating intermediate points.
I've looked but can't seem to find a way to do this as the snapping option has to be enabled/disabled prior to creating a new vector. It would be a helpful addition if you could please add it.
I note that Ortho command can be toggled on/off mid vector creation and that is helpful.
Yes, GM has built-in keyboard shortcuts for that:
Hold ALT to DISABLE automatic SNAPPING behavior
Happy mapping!
Thanks Amanda.
That's a great tip and I've been using it already this morning!
You can also add a button with disable/enable snapping and with what type of snap to be active.
I found it more useful
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