Exporting "World Imagery" is Slow
Does anybody know why for example exporting "World Imagery" always exports/downloads at such a slow speed, like 10 KB/s. Its not my internet speed as that is about 250mb/s.
Its been like this for years going way back.
It's a public server being accessed by a lot of people and probably being deliberately throttled per connection at the server end to keep running it cheap.
Usually if I need to use WI for anything I will export what I need at the zoom level I want as a geotiff, bring that back into GM and delete the WI layer. This will make life much easier when you are doing your mapping, as well as when you go to export.
Yup that't what I do as well.
I also export the WI Geotiff and different zoom levels so I do not have to load always the one with the finest resolution.
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