Evenly Spread Elevations Between First and Last to the Selected Elevations
I'm not sure if there is an other way for this but it would be nice and very-very useful to have the feature: "Evenly Spread Elevations Between First and Last to the Selected Elevations..", because I'd like to have the ability to change the elevations evenly only on the selected vertices.
Thank you very much for your reply. This is a good procedure but is modifying the elevations including first and last elevations (that I want to keep) and creates new gradient elevations for the whole selected section. Yes this procedure gives elevation values close to before and after vertices of the selected section but the final elevation shape is out from that I need. I'm uploading a process I'm using that's a bit more complicated but is exactly what I want.
Ignore my previous post. You are absolutely right. You have only to exclude the first and last vertices from the selection and the result is the same.
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