polygon .bln export with elevation values
Is there a way to export polygons in .bln format with elevation values?
As i can see Global Mapper can export only lines in .bln format with elevations.
Best Answer
Currently you would need to convert your polygons to line features to get the Z values in Surfer BLN exports. You can use the Digitizer Tool to do this.
That said, I've added todo item GM-17021 to include the Z values with area outputs. I'm tossing that in right now, so it should be in the next release (26.0) later this year.
Global Mapper Guru
Τhank you very much for your quick reply. Looking forward to version 26..
For those who may be interested, there is a good solution.
First export your vector area to ".txt" format.
Import the ".txt" file and finally export it in "Surfer BLN" format.
Everything works fine.
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