Importing KMLs - no point names
This should be simple but I can't figure it out. When I drag and drop a KML into my project, the <Placemark><name> is not pulled into the layer attributes. Is there a way of seeing this information in the attribute editor so I can add point labels?
Can you provide a sample (either here or to I would expect the <Name> field to become the display label of the feature. This would is a special 'attribute' that should still show in the Attribute Editor as the <Feature Label> field.
Global Mapper Guru
It gets imported like this... no name info.
@bmg_mike Any update on this Mike?
Can you provide a sample KML/KMZ file that demonstrates this issue? You may have to zip it up to attach it here.
Global Mapper Guru
Thanks Mike, Sure thing, see attached.
I just looked at your file, and it seems that the Point features do have names, it is only the lines which have no name. This makes sense as the <Placemarks> that define the lines have <name></name>, so no name, while the points do have names.
<Placemark> <name></name> <styleUrl>#segment0</styleUrl> <LineString> <gx:altitudeMode xmlns:gx="">clampToSeaFloor</gx:altitudeMode> <coordinates>130.821466224955,25.8715681382228 145.468760029565,25.3887184712628</coordinates> </LineString> </Placemark>
It looks like everything is reading correctly to me.
Global Mapper Guru
Thanks Mike,
Interesting. It looks like the program generating the KMLs has recently changed it output formatting. Is there an easy way to set up multiple label layers similar to Google Earth?
In Global Mapper, you could right-click on the loaded KML layer and split into layers by some attribute. Then you could just turn the layers on and off.
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