Manually adding ground control points
I have just purchased the latest version GM25.1. When I load an image which requires ground control points. I cant as GM freezes.
I have been a long time user of GM and was time for an upgrade. I run multiple scripts that require the ground control files.
I have only tried to do this with one image manually which I do need to do as well.
Has anyone else had this issue
Hello Mangre,
Thank you for reporting this. I'm unable to recreate a freeze around loading and rectifying an image in 25.1 on this end. To see a resolution with this we will probably need to test with your data. Please send your file and a description of the issue to our tech team at so they can see what's up.
I had to move the .png to another folder other than the download folder which I was trying to load the .png from into the image rectifier window, It did appear in the image rectifier window window, but when I tried to access my GCP it would freeze.
Moving to .png to another folder worked... I loaded the .png and was able to access the GCP from the folder in no problem.
I also moved a .TIFF file the does not require GCP, into downloads folder to test. I thought it may be a path problem, and GM25.1 loaded the .tiff fine from downloads.
I will send a video to your Drop Box folder
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