OBJ file with XML projection
Curious if anyone can help me with this. I have a OBJ mesh file of a pipeline I mapped that was created using photogrammetry in DJI Terra. I want to digitize a line on the top of the pipe.
I can successfully import the OBJ into GM, but I don't know how to do it with the correct projection. There are 4 folders, each containing a OBJ mesh file and the texture JPGs. At the root directory of the folders is a "metadata.xml" file that is exported from DJI Terra containing the projection info.
Can Global Mapper handle this file at all? I need the polyline I draw to be in the correct coordinate system. If I import each mesh without the XML file they are basically in an arbitrary coordinate system and the elevations are incorrect (the XML projection file has an elevation as well as XY).
Please see screenshot.
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