Classifying Distribution Poles
Hello! I am trying to learn how to classify poles and the automated features are really great. However, I have run the program and classified poles but I do not see a way to filter poles similarly the way you would filter high vegetation, ground, conductors/wires, etc... Is there a way to turn poles on and off?
Yes. Automatic Pole classification assigns class #15 Transmission Tower.
These built-in definitions are from the ASPRS. If you want, the class can be renamed from the configuration dialog in the Lidar section.
Happy mapping
Thanks Amanda!
Do you have any tips on classifying poles? I cannot seem to dial in the correct parameters. Do you mind sharing some parameters you have used? Most of the material I am finding is from previous versions and I am using the newest version 25. Currently, GM wants to classify my poles as high vegetation.
Pole classification functions the same between v24.1 and v25, we only changed the dialog box and added the ability to classify features individually. Here is a description and some setting tips for Classifying Power Poles with the New Segmentation Option in Global Mapper from 24.1. In v25 this is called Max Likelihood, and most of the referred to settings can be found in the Shared Classification/Extraction section.
Poles can be a bit tricky to classify in general, they are made of trees after all. When troubleshooting classification settings it's a good idea to try different neighborhood ranges, making sure it's at least wider than your pole. Using the Specify Bounds option to limit the area can sometimes help focus the tool as well.
If you have a point cloud that just won't classify, feel free to send it to our tech team:
Thanks! Ill give that a shot.
Having a different issue tonight where I have classified ground points and now trying to classify non-ground. After clicking the button to initiate the program nothing happens...
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