Why am I missing layers in my layout legend?
See attached. For some reason only 3 layers show up when I add a legend to my layout. When I use the same options for the 2d view, I get everything as expected and shown in the png screen capture.
Hi Ron,
I think you need to "filter" or display the same layers in both the workspace and Map Layout Editor as GM now gives you the option to filter or display different layers within each, as shown in attached screen grabs.
Thanks for looking at this.
Here is screenshot showing my settings.
All of the layers appear in the filtered list, but for some reason only two of them show up in the actual legend.
Hi Ron,
Provided the layers are turned on/displayed in the 2D workspace they should appear in the Filter Layers pick list in the Map Layout Editor, so I have no idea why this is happening.
Sounds like a job for geohelp@bluemarblegeo.com
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