Global Mapper v26.0

Wrong *.prj file for shapefile export

946 Global Mapper UserTrusted User


In version 25.0, when exporting shp files and loading back, exist a visible shift.(EPSG code : 3844).

Deleting the prj files will open the files correctly after choosing the right projection.


  • bmg_mike
    bmg_mike Global Mapper Guru Moderator, Trusted User

    What projection is showing on the Projection tab of the Configuration dialog when you export and what is shown when you load the exported PRJ file?

    EPSG 3844 comes in as Double Stereographic, but is identical to the Stereo70 / Pulkovo1942 projection. When I do a coordinate conversion between the 2 for a point in Romania they differ by less than a tenth of a millimeter, so obviously not a visible shift, therefore something else must be happening in your case.



    Global Mapper Guru

  • 946
    946 Global Mapper User Trusted User

    Hello Mike,

    I can see the difference in the imported and exported file, regarding projection tab, as in the print:

    I will attach also the Exported .prj file (as .txt file due to forum restricted extensions)



  • bmg_mike
    bmg_mike Global Mapper Guru Moderator, Trusted User

    Hi Robert,

    Ah, now I can reproduce the issue. The TOWGS84 in the PRJ file was what triggered the incorrect S-42 specialization to be selected.

    I have fixed the logic so the next v25.0.x daily build at should have this fixed.

    You can also uncheck the option on the General->Export tab of the Configuration dialog to 'Include datum parameters and EPSG codes in WKT PRJ files' and then your exports won't exhibit the issue when loaded back in.



    Global Mapper Guru

  • bmg_mike
    bmg_mike Global Mapper Guru Moderator, Trusted User

    Hi Robert,

    It seems we haven't quite started pushing out daily builds for 25.0, but as soon as those start (maybe a week), this change should be in there for you.
