How can I fix artifacts in my 3d display - Imported into 3dsmax
Hi, I have exported a few different formats of a test 3d mesh from GM. IEach of them have these random shifting artifacts in the viewport. I have latest direct 3d drivers, GTX 1080Ti video card, 64gig of ram and using 3dsmax 2021 (also tested in 2017 same problem) I have relocated the mesh to the origin. Also the verticies seem not to be welded. Is there anything I can do to remedy this? The render looks ok after welding all the verticies.
Any help much appreciated,
Kind Regards,
This may help,
My process is:
Shift model to origin in GM
Export using DXF, Legacy mode
Import into MAX
Convert to editable poly, weld verts
Sometimes there are flipped normals, so I apply a standard material, perform planar UV mapping
use XView to select flipped UV faces, then apply normals modifier and flip them.
Thanks so much Mark.
I will run my export through your process.
It would be great to be able to weld verts on export etc.
Kind Regards,
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