Attribute File with special attributes

AndreaR Global Mapper UserTrusted User


I should to automatically change the value of the <Feature Description> special attribute as if I select the flag Use Custom Descriprion, anytime that i choose my custom Feature Type area.

I know that there is a file named dflt_attrs_areas.txt that permit to add custom attributes for my area, but seem that not work for the <Feature Description> (but it work for <Feature Desc>) special addribute

My custom legend for many vectors data is based only for <Feature Description> and is very long to manualy change with "Use Custom Descriprion" flag, for many areas loaded automatically.

This is the content of my custom dflt_attrs_areas.txt:



<Feature Description>

Area For Search

There are any other workaround for do this?

I use latest Global Mapper 24.1 Italian

Thanks in advanced



  • AndreaR
    AndreaR Global Mapper User Trusted User

    Hi all,

    Excuse me if I insist!

    Any comment for the question from the technical service?

    Just to know in 2 words, if it can be done or if it's a bug, because I have to do a big job to be delivered on Monday and I'm forced to switch to Qgis software to do it.

    Have a good day
