How to display geo-tagged photos as "Pop-Ups"
G'day GM'ers.
Does anyone know of way to display geo-tagged photos as "pop-ups" in GM? (refer to workflow in ArcMap here:
I've used GM for a long time to drop an icon (small camera) at the location and direction of a geo-tagged photo, but I've never figured out how to click on the icon and have actual photo pop-up? I've tried labelling the icon with the photo-link, but to no avail. My crude workaround is to insert the photo as an "Image Element" in the Map Layout Editor, but I'd really like to view photos as pop-ups when working in the main workspace window.
Any ideas?
Best Answers
Clicking on the icon with the Info Tool will at least open the photo with your default photo app.
Many thanks Hennie - you're a star buddy! The Info Tool was what I was missing - I'd been using the digitiser "pencil" before!
I owe you a pint (or several)!
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