BUG in 3D viewer when recording flight-path video
There seems to be a bug in the 3D viewer when exporting a flight path to video / image sequence: the field of view and settings in the recorded video is different (smaller) than the field of view in the preview or flight path step settings.
Field of view can be set in the settings - but this does not seem to affect the field of view in the resulting video. This seems to be a fixed (closer) field of view - about 40 or 50 ? (my guess)
Adjusting the field of view in settings changes the field of view in the preview but not in the resulting video.
This is evry annoying because you think you have set everythin right - but the resulting video is cropped...
Please have a look at it Mike.
I have also posted this under a feature request for video guides, but this should be fixed first: if what you see in the preview corresponds with the exported video then there is no problem.
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