Create coverage area feature with elevations from points
I have a set of points that were surveyed on field (thousands of them) and, when making a TIN out of them, I would like to have some buffer around them.
I usually use the coverage function to make an area feature around them and crop the resulting grid but this area has no elevation so I can't use it to make a buffer around the points.
Would it be possible to make it so the coverage feature gets the vertices elevations from the points it's made from?
Best regards
Do you want your buffer to have an elevation just so that the TIN doesn't have triangles with 0 elevation at the edges? If that's the reason, you can just check the box to ignore zero elevations when creating your TIN
If that's not the case, you could do a few workarounds. (And sorry if you're already aware of this and are just trying to submit a feature request)
Buffers have an area elevation (not per vertex) from the points:
Create grid from buffers
Update the elevations of your bounding box/coverage area from these elevations
Again, sorry if you're already aware of a workaround and just wanted to submit a feature request.
Thank you for the reply.
I didn't know the workaround you posted, so thank you for that.
So far we used a different one: first make a grid without buffer, take a -1m buffer from the coverage feature, give this the elevations from the grid, make a buffer from this of 2m and then use this together with points to make the final TIN.
This works but having a direct way of doing it would save time and possible errors.
Best regards
1.Create Coverage
2.Create Line From Coverage
3.Select Points Near Selected Line (0.01m/ft)
4.Create Line From Selected Points (points must have ELEVATION attribute )
5.Convert Line to Area
Dear 946,
Thank you for this solution. Great workaround until there is a GM change that enables this form start.
Best regards
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